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Gift vouchers

Treat someonewith our vouchers to the value of your choice.


When you use our Voucher Order Form (see below) you will receive a voucher for the Sonne restaurant, bar or hotel from us to the value of your choice.

Payment & collection on site or voucher sent by post after receipt of payment.

Are you looking for something special?

Then choose one of our dining options:


  • Welcome cocktail
  • 4-course Surprise Menu according to season

combined price for 2 people €98.00



  • Welcome cocktail
  • 4-course Surprise Menu according to season
  • A bottle of promotional wine
  • Overnight accommodation in a double room
  • Gourmet country-style breakfast buffet

combined price for 2 people €240.00

Voucher order

When ordering, please enter the required value and/or the required event in the box provided.

For telephone orders or queries, please call: +43 (0)9874-5080




The fields marked with * are mandatory.

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Are you in a hurry?


Give a gift of restaurant vouchers online through our partner Yovite.com

Our onlinepartner Yovite.com offers you a convenient way of giving someone a dining gift at any time in the form of a voucher for our restaurant that includes your personal greeting or words of congratulation.

Simply create the voucher online and print it out at home!

Order restaurant gift vouchers online »