Hotel Sonne GmbH
Familie Bischoff
Hauptstraße 43
D-91564 Neuendettelsau
Telefon +49(0)9874 / 508-0
Telefax +49(0)9874 / 508-18
E-Mail: info(at)
Geschäftsführer Willi Bischoff
Reg.-Gericht Ansbach HRB 4687
Sitz d. Gesellsch.: Neuendettelsau
USt.-ID-Nr.: DE 264 900 667
Verbraucher weisen wir außerdem auf die Plattform der EU zur außergerichtlichen Online-Streitbeilegung hin:
Konzeption, Layout, Webdesign
Böker & Mundry Werbeagentur GmbH
Martin-Luther-Platz 17
D-91522 Ansbach
Technische Betreuung, Hosting, Content-Management-System
Martin-Luther-Platz 17
D-91522 Ansbach
We make every effort to ensure that the material contained in its web site is current, complete and correct. Despite this errors and mistakes cannot be completely ruled out.
We do not accept liability for the relevance, accuracy or completeness of the information and material offered in its web site unless the mistake occurred intentionally or through gross negligence. This refers to any loss, additional costs or damage of any kind suffered as a result of any use of any material in this web site.
We have no influence on the design and contents of third party internet web sites. Therefore Landhotel Sonne expressly distances itself from the material of all third party internet web sites, even if the Sonne web site links to these external sites.
In case of any uncertainties which arise due to errors in translation, the German version of this disclaimer is the legally binding one.